

Last night I had a vision of a bunch of cubes stacked together in a way that looked a whole lot like pyrite, but when I got in houdini today my attempt just looked like a lumpy penis. So with that not working I popped over to my happy place (aka particles). After some playing I thought it would be a cool idea to 'quantize' the turbulent velocity values.My original vision was to have a lot of 45 and 90 degree bends (sort of like a circuit board), but the first system I (successfully) programmed only hand the 90s implemented and I thought it looked pretty nice. Especially how long a reasonable structure is able to be made out. Learned some vex and other little things in this one and I think the result looks pretty good. I'll probably render a high res version for the old reel one of these days. Still having a good time! Also this could be REALLY cool to hook up to a music visualizer. Definitely saving this HIP
